We had our monthly ladies dinner at La Masseria (http://www.lamasseria.co.za/) in Durbanville last night and it was fabulous as usual. For various reasons, a lot of the girls couldn't make it, so there were only 5 of us last night. It was nice and intimate, although we did miss everyone else and it was a very tame night out and I don't have a sore head today. Thanks so much for organising everything, Anch, and for the gorgeous roses you spoilt us all with! Been a long time since anyone bought me flowers! Hopefully next time, whoever organises the venue will be better with directions! Anch sent us all on a wild goose chase and later confessed that she also got lost on the way. Anyway, here are a few photos, my battery died. Typical...
Jo & Anch...
Jo enjoying the open fire...
Michelle & Suzaan...
That's all. The desserts really looked divine, but I missed them...
Till next time XXX