Wednesday, May 14, 2008

OK, so, finally, here are my pictures taken at Cassia. Sorry, not as impressively edited as Pia's, I've hardly done anything to them. Enjoy!

Baby Sarah gets a gift...

Pia, Karel and Caroline...

One of the pretty lights (Ha-ha - Pia and I had almost exactly the same idea)...

My starters...

Suzaan's Starters - those are fishcakes...

Pia and Zaneta, who had to rush off due to early morning work commitments, but at least she joined us for a drink...

Pia and Caroline, just being Pia and Caroline...

Veronica and Pia...

Umm... sorry Caroline, but I think this is the only photo I've ever seen where Ronnie's actually got her eyes open. And she's got such pretty eyes, hasn't she?

Ronnie, being a good girl and drinking something non-alcoholic. Just a few more weeks, girl...

Suzaan pretending to be interested in some guy's phone. He was with someone else, so wasn't hitting on her, although she does look pretty, doesn't she? She didn't introduce him to us (I don't blame her), so I have no idea what his name is...

Caroline's free sample of the pear crumble or pear tart - delicious...


Caroline & Suzaan...

Um, yes Ronnie. You must've known this photo would come back to haunt you. Looks quite cool in black & white...

Our gathering - Veronica, Pia, me, Caroline, Suzaan and Michelle...

Us with our funny waiter...

I don't often like photos of me, but Ronnie stole my camera and I like this in Black and White. Plus, it looks like I might, maybe have a bit of a cleavage. Um, yes...


Caroline, Suzaan and me - I was pretty trashed by this stage of the evening and don't think I was capable of taking any decent photos...

Catch up with you again soon!! Lots of love, Sue xxx


Okay, here are my photos from Cassia. As you can see, a great time was had by all. I will probably post a review sometime too.

The restaurant was lovely - but these lights were really stunning.

The Best Camera In The World. Susie and I will not tolerate non-believers

Our Waiter - Kareltjie

He put up with a lot from us. He is a boob man.

We liked his chest too.

Main Course for some - seared Salmon

Desserts. Kareltjie even brought us a sample of the pear dessert.

Caroline and Suz

Susie. (Don't ask. We'd rather not tell.)

Veronica's Last Dinner Club for a while

Sarah's last Dinner Club too...

Ron - learning how to use a (real) camera. It suits her!


95 On Keerom...

OK, OK, I'm really sorry that I've been so slack in getting the photos up from our dinner last month. I mean, we've already had the next one and the pictures still aren't up. Truth be told, there actually aren't that many photos. I don't know why I didn't take many, maybe I was having too much fun chatting to the rest of you. And I completely forgot to take any pictures of the main course, but remembered to take when the desserts came out, of course.

Joanne & Zaneta having pre-dinner drinks...

Anchen & Suzaan...

The bar (probably the most important part of any restaurant we visit)...

Another of our poor harrassed waiters. Can't remember his name...

Michelle, Zaneta, Joanne, Susan, Pia, Veronica, Suzaan & Anchen...

Veronica & Michelle (For those of you who don't know her, Veronica CAN'T keep her eyes open for any photo - sorry Ron, it is a good picture of Michelle though and I was limited 'cos I didn't take very many)...

Chocolate whatchamacallit...

Melon sorbet...

Crushed meraingue something-or-other (looks like someone couldn't keep their dinner down, if you ask me. Or don't)...

And there you have it. It was a good evening, although a bit subdued, but maybe that's just because I was driving. And Caroline was missing - she's so mischevious, she just knows how to get things rolling. I must be honest though, I can't remember what I had to eat, besides the sorbet. I think it was beef, but can't remember how it was cooked, so obviously didn't create too much of an impression. Then again, I've got about the memory of a gold fish anyway. So, sorry again for the delay, I promise to get last night's photos up a bit sooner then these ones.