OK, so, finally, here are my pictures taken at Cassia. Sorry, not as impressively edited as Pia's, I've hardly done anything to them. Enjoy!
Baby Sarah gets a gift...
Baby Sarah gets a gift...
Pia, Karel and Caroline...

One of the pretty lights (Ha-ha - Pia and I had almost exactly the same idea)...

My starters...

Suzaan's Starters - those are fishcakes...

Pia and Zaneta, who had to rush off due to early morning work commitments, but at least she joined us for a drink...

Pia and Caroline, just being Pia and Caroline...

Veronica and Pia...

Umm... sorry Caroline, but I think this is the only photo I've ever seen where Ronnie's actually got her eyes open. And she's got such pretty eyes, hasn't she?

Ronnie, being a good girl and drinking something non-alcoholic. Just a few more weeks, girl...

Suzaan pretending to be interested in some guy's phone. He was with someone else, so wasn't hitting on her, although she does look pretty, doesn't she? She didn't introduce him to us (I don't blame her), so I have no idea what his name is...

Caroline's free sample of the pear crumble or pear tart - delicious...


Caroline & Suzaan...

Um, yes Ronnie. You must've known this photo would come back to haunt you. Looks quite cool in black & white...

Our gathering - Veronica, Pia, me, Caroline, Suzaan and Michelle...

Us with our funny waiter...

I don't often like photos of me, but Ronnie stole my camera and I like this in Black and White. Plus, it looks like I might, maybe have a bit of a cleavage. Um, yes...


Caroline, Suzaan and me - I was pretty trashed by this stage of the evening and don't think I was capable of taking any decent photos...
Catch up with you again soon!! Lots of love, Sue xxx
I love these pics!!! Both yours and Pia's!!! We had such a fun night... love you all
Thanks Susie for the great photos and I forgive you for putting up that ghastly one of me!
I can't wait for the next dinner club which is my choice and is on the 10th by the way everyone, so pencil it, or should I rather say pen it in!
Sorry i missed it - looks like loads of fun and loads of love going around :-) Nice pics ladies!!
Was just going to ask if i was next (as it says i am in my diary) - but guess i am the month after Caroline... no probs. See you on 10th Joanne xxx
Oh... and how do i include my name under (ABOUT) - top RHS? Do i need a blog page first? Sue, can you help xx
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